Duena is the author of “Emotional Banking: Fixing Culture and Leveraging FinTech” , “People Before Tech: The Importance of Psychological Safety and Teams in the Digital Age” and “Tech-Led Culture: Unlock the Full Potential of Your Business and People“. She is a doer, an entrepreneur, an industry influencer with 250k+ followers and subscribers, a blogger with cutting edge opinion style, the author of two weekly LinkedIn Top Voice newsletters, an ex-writer for Forbes, an international keynote speaker and the creator of the “Emotional Banking” and “Human Debt” concepts.
Over the past 25+ years, Duena has worked with hundreds of large organisations be it to assist them in their digital strategy or to help them transform. With a background in Psychology as well as Business, Duena is on a crusade to see lasting change in this VUCA world, to help companies avail themselves of Agile and the new ways of work and bring humanity back to the workplace. Today, Duena is the Co-Founder and CEO of PeopleNotTech – a company designing a revolutionary AI-driven people software solution, which she co-founded in 2018 out of London, creating the world’s first solution to check and increase Psychological Safety and Emotional Intelligence to ensure the success of Agile and digital transformations.
“My life’s mission is to put a clear number on Psychological Safety through Agile so that businesses start tacking their “human debt” not for moral imperatives. but so that they become elite high performers. Only them can we replace politics, inequality, rampant impression management and systemic fear with a consistent “people practice” focused on teams, EQ, servant leadership, permission to fail and learn and true, fast and sustainable growth to match the speed of technology.”