About us

PeopleNotTech Ltd. is a software scale-up operating internationally. We have created the world’s first solution for measuring and increasing Psychological Safety in teams to reduce organisational HumanDebt™ and have then developed the first Post-Pandemic Culture Snapshot and the Burnout Prevention Kit™.

PeopleNotTech’s revolutionary platform is designed and delivered with ever-increasing velocity by a world-class team working remotely, flexibly and with Agility at the core.

PeopleNotTech Ltd‘s leaders also write and speak in their capacity as experts in Psychological Safety, the future of work and high performance in teams and are hosts of podcasts on #WorkTV and other PeopleNotTech media outlets.

Our team

Dave Ballantyne

Dave Ballantyne


Former Exec of Engineering and hands-on cross industry and technology SQL Guru; now Co-host of the People AND Tech podcast; COO and co-creator of the Tech Led Culture Ideas and Pods and Reluctant Human (and Tech!) Debt Fighter.

Duena Blomstrom

Duena Blomstrom

CEO & Co-founder


Duena is the author of “Emotional Banking: Fixing Culture and Leveraging FinTech” and of the upcoming book “People Before Tech: The Importance of Psychological Safety and Teams in the Digital Age”. She is a doer, an entrepreneur, an industry influencer with 250k+ followers and subscribers, a blogger with cutting edge opinion style, the author of two weekly LinkedIn Top Voice newsletters, an ex-writer for Forbes, an international keynote speaker and the creator of the “Emotional Banking” and “Human Debt” concepts.

Rikard Ottosson

Rikard Ottosson

CTO & Co-founder

Long time software developer and architect with a past in both general purpose software development, usually within an enterprise or within financial institutions as well as specifically in systems for enterprise resource planning and financial management. practitioner of Agile software development and DevOps culture.

Ffion Jones

Ffion Jones


15 Years Bettering High Performing Teams Collaborative leadership and teaming workshops for large multi-disciplinary teams e.g. High Speed 2 rail project. Cross organisation collaborative leadership programmes with live learning and peer coaching at their heart. Collaborative behaviours training for board members and behavioural assessment centre teams for major bids. Group and individual coaching for high…Read More