At PeopleNotTech we have been studying teams for the past 10 years.
How diverse and inclusive they are, is in direct correlation to their likelihood of success.
How diverse and inclusive they FEEL is the most important indicator of success in any employee engagement and cultural change initiative programm.
Being able to measure the effects of one’s DEI efforts has always been critical but never solved untill now.
We combined years of research into team dynamics, psychological safety and inclusivity with experiments we have ran around “belonging”, “engagement” and “impression management” and data from hundreds of teams to help yours benchmark against their experiences but also the cutting edge of research in these fields – Google’s Aristotle Project findings or the Spotify Team Health score to better evaluate how your employees genuinely feel about your culture and your DEI efforts.
The snapshot can be used independently of any internal other tools to provide you with a moment in time and steering for new initiatives and the detailed report offers unprecedented insights into your employees views of your company’s culture.
Purchase the Base Snapshot for your Board and Strategy Insights right now online above OR please do GET IN TOUCH with us to craft a Culture and DEI Snapshot that makes more specific sense to your current enterprise efforts if you can’t get enough value from the standard package.